Why Does My Cat Follow Me To The Bathroom

Why Does My Cat Follow Me To The Bathroom
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Do you ever have the feeling that your cat is following you everywhere? Even to the bathroom? It's not just your imagination. 

Cats are territorial creatures and their instinct compel them to follow their owners around, especially when they're in a vulnerable state like using the restroom.

What can we do about this behavior? The answer may surprise you! If it's an issue for you, try leaving out some food or treats next to the litter box before bedtime and see if that helps ease their anxiety.

Anxiety is a common problem among pet owners these days and cats are no exception. They feel safe knowing where they belong and any outside influences can cause them undue stress; including people visiting new animals.

Why does my cat follow me everywhere?

It's not unusual for cats to follow their owners around the house. Cats will typically do this because they want to be near you or they like your company.

Sometimes, though, a cat may become aggressive and attack its owner when it is in pursuit. This can happen if the cat feels threatened by something that has happened with its owners such as a change in routine or an injury. 

It is also possible that a cat may feel threatened by another animal inside of your home or yard so it follows you out of fear for its safety.

If you are concerned about what might be causing your kitty to follow you everywhere, consider speaking to a veterinarian or pet behaviorist for advice on how best to remedy the situation and keep everyone safe from harm."

Why do my cats want to sleep with me?

Cats are a curious creature. They enjoy being near their owners and will often sleep in the bed with them even if they have an entire room to themselves. But why do cats want to sleep with us? We explore some of the reasons below!

The end result is that people feel more connected to their pets when they share a space like this, which may make it seem less likely for the cat to mistreat its owner or run off because it feels neglected.

While most experts say that cats can survive without human interaction, sleeping next to someone you love might be one way your pet shows how much he loves you back!

Cats also tend to like soft surfaces and warmth so snuggling up next to someone who's warm and comfortable may


The natural curiosity of cats is a known fact. They are curious about everything, and they want to be involved in what you're doing at all times - even if it's your business!

This can sometimes come as an inconvenience when you need privacy for something like going to the bathroom. However, don't fret too much because there are ways around this issue that will keep both parties happy!

You could try putting down some cat toys or treats on the ground where your cat usually hangs out while you use the restroom.

Your feline friend will be busy playing with their favorite toy instead of pestering you while trying to go number two (or three!).  If this doesn't work then maybe consider building a small 'cat house'

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