How To Get Rid Of Urine Smell In Bathroom

How To Get Rid Of Urine Smell In Bathroom
Thursday, July 1, 2021

We all know that the smell of urine is not pleasant. It can be especially strong when you are using a public restroom and it lingers long after someone has left! The best way to get rid of this unpleasant odor is to use an enzyme cleaner that will break down the ammonia found in urine.

You'll want to focus on cleaning any surfaces where urine may have soaked into, such as floors and carpets.

For stubborn smells, consider trying a product like Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer which contains enzymes and bacteria which digest organic matter including protein stains from pet accidents or human spillage.

The next time you need help with getting rid of the smell in your bathroom, we hope these tips will come in handy!

What causes urine odor in the bathroom?

We all know that urine can be smelly and embarrassing, but what causes the odor? Urine is made up of urea, creatinine, uric acid, phosphates, ammonia salts and water. When urine stays in contact with air for a period of time it will produce an unpleasant smell.

The reason for this is because bacteria feed off the urea in the urine to break it down into ammonia which then produces a foul-smelling gas. This process happens more quickly when there are high levels of moisture present as well as warmth.

To avoid your bathroom smelling like an outhouse or worse: avoid letting your pee stay on surfaces too long before washing them or keeping your toilet lid closed if you have been using it!

What is the best cleaner for urine?

If you're a music recording studio and are looking for the best cleaner for urine, there are many different products to choose from.

The most important thing to look at is how strong of a product it is - how much of the smell will it cover? What about residue?

A good rule of thumb would be to go with something that has an odor neutralizer which will remove any lingering smells.

There are also cleaners out there that have anti-microbial properties - these work by killing bacteria on contact so your studio never has to worry about cleaning up after accidents again!

Do you want more information about what makes one cleaner better than another? Read our blog post: "What is the best cleaner for urine?"


One of the most common questions we get from our clients is how to remove that urine smell coming from their bathroom.

Here are a few tips on how you can banish this odor quickly and easily so your home remains fresh, clean, and inviting for guests.  Along with using bleach or any other cleaning products, try these methods below to keep your toilet smelling like roses! 

Use an air freshener in the room-Sprinkle baking soda around the edge of the bowl-Leave lemon peels in water overnight (this will help reduce odors)-Fill a pot with vinegar and simmer it over low heat until steam comes out.-Boil pine needles into tea water as well as lemons or oranges.
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